Emer. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert FOLTINEK (1930-2015)
- 19th and 20th century English and American literature
- special interest: Charles Dickens
- Comparative literature
- Literary theory
Selected Publications
- Co-editor of Sprachkunst. Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft.
- Imagination all Compact. How Did Charles Dickens Compose his Novels? Wien: ÖAW, 2005
- with Christoph Leitgeb, ed. Literaturwissenschaft: interdisziplinär intermedial. Wien: ÖAW, 2002.
- Dr. phil., University of Vienna
- Lector in German, University of Cambridge
- Assistant lecturer, University of Vienna
- Professor of English and American language and literature, University of Vienna
- Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Professor Emeritus since 1998