

Prof. Reichl recently explained the trending bookclubs on ORF´s "Kulturmontag". Watch it here ("Lifestyle Lesen")


Prof. Reichl recently talked in an Ö1 podcast about the dystopic society and the repression of women´s rights in the novel, also known as a TV series.


Tarla´s master’s thesis won the prize awarded by Fulbright Austria and the AAAS - congratulations! Watch the interview here.


Katharina Wiedlack has created teaching materials on the US election campaign (explanations, analysis, videos) available online here.


Monika Pietrzak-Franger explains in "Rudolphina" magazine why patients suffering from chronic illnesses often face multiple forms of stigma.



Die Tagung thematisiert aktuelle Entwicklungen und Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich Aktions-, Praxisforschung und Lesson Studies. Anmeldung bis 15.1.


British poet and theatre-maker Malaika Kegode will give an artist talk followed by a Q&A session on 22 January. Please register via e-mail.

04.10.2024 15:07

A. Ganser & J. Pühringer invite you to their lecture series with various guest speakers, film screenings and Q&A's at Gartenbau Kino.


The UB Lesesaal will be closed from Sept 23 and no book orders from Nov-Dec. Find more information on the project page or sign up for an info session...