
Round Table: "Gendered Culture Wars? Reading the US Elections from an Intersectional Lens”

08.11.2024 17:30

Guest professor Julia Roth invites you to a conversation with Prof. E. Holzleithner and Prof. J. Cesario Alvim Gomes about the US election campaign and its outcome.


Univ.Prof. Elisabeth Holzleithner (University of Vienna, Philosophy of Law and Legal Gender Studies)

Ass.Prof. Juliana Cesario Alvim Gomes (CEU Vienna, Legal Studies)

Gastprof. Julia Roth (University of Vienna / Anglophone Literatures and Cultures and Gender Studies)


This roundtable sheds light on the intersectionally gendered dimensions of the US election campaign and its outcome. Discussing the “right-wing patterns of en-gendering” evoked in extreme right discourse, the participants trace the ways in which “gender” serves as an arena, a sort of meta-language and “affective bridge” to catapult diverse topics into the public sphere. From various perspectives – bridging the USA with Europe and Brazil / Latin America as well as Cultural and Gender Studies approaches with lenses from Law and Human Rights – the participants will delineate also the complexities of masculinities, femonationalism, sexual exceptionalism (Gabriele Dietze), or reverse anti-colonialism. The panel asks what we can expect from the new US government in the years to come in light of the affective strategies that are employed in this gendered and “reloaded Culture War” (Wendy Brown) in order to create a feeling of community and a new common sense.

Dept. of English and American Studies, Campus Hof 8.3, Helene-Richter-Saal