We will meet every other week discuss topics such as:
Canada as postnational and/or settler colonial state
Canadian postcolonialism, bilingualism and multiculturalism
Motivs, tropes, and genres of Canadian literatures and culture, such as North American Indigenous Studies and First Nations, ecocriticism, pandemic literatures, feminist criticisms
Interested? Please send an email with a short statement of your interest and your matriculation number to stefanie.schaefer@univie.ac.at
From Sept 2020, Stefanie Schäfer is a Marie-Curie fellow at the University of Vienna’s Department of English and American Studies. Her research project TACOMO (Transatlantic Cowgirl Mobilities) examines Western myths in Germany and Austria at the turn of the 20th century. She specializes in Canadian Studies, Visual and Popular Cultures, Gender and Mobility Studies. Other research interests include First Ladies and the Yankee in American Culture.
Canadian Studies Reading Group