
Developing advanced English language competence


The English Language Competence team is delighted to announce the publication of their book:

Berger, Armin; Heaney, Helen; Resnik, Pia; Rieder-Bünemann, Angelika; Savukova, Galina (eds.). 2021. Developing advanced English language competence: A research-informed approach at tertiary level. Cham: Springer.


The book describes the language competence programme at the Department of English and American Studies in its historical, institutional, and professional context. Twenty-two experienced university teachers, teacher-researchers, and student tutors reflect on their approaches to developing advanced English language competence, provide examples of good teaching practice, and present accompanying research. What has profoundly shaped the programme in recent years is the team’s crossing of traditional boundaries between programme design, pedagogical practice, and teacher research. It rests on the idea that its full potential is best realised if the key players cooperate at the intersection of these areas in a mutually rewarding relationship.