Research Interests
- Language teaching
- Teaching literature and culture in EFL settings
- Postcolonial literature and theory
- Short story theory
- MEd Practicum Course
- Integrated Language and Study Skills
- Language in Use
- Practical Phonetics and Oral Communications Skills, American English
- Phonetic Transcription
- Proseminar Cultural and Media Studies
- Introduction to Language Teaching
- Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum (Practicum Coaching)
- Teaching Literature and Culture in the EFL Classroom
- 2022-present: External lecturer (Department of English, University of Vienna)
- 2006-present: Teacher of English and Music at secondary level (currently at BG/BRG Baden Biondekgasse)
- 2010-2020: Senior Lecturer (English Language Competence, Department of English, University of Vienna)
- 2005-2010: External lecturer (English Language Competence, Department of English, University of Vienna)
- 2017: PhD (Dr.phil.) in English Literature, University of Vienna
- 2010: BA in Guitar Pedagogy (IGP, Jazz and Popular Music), University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
- 2006: BA in Guitar Pedagogy (IGP, Classical Guitar), Anton Bruckner Private University Linz
- 2004: Master's degree (Mag.phil.) in English and Music (teacher training)
Department of English and American Studies
Postal address:
Phone: +43-1-4277-42419
The Common Final Test
Martinek, T. & Berger, A., 2022, Developing advanced English language competence: A research-informed approach at tertiary level. Berger, A., Heaney, H., Resnik, P., Rieder-Bünemann, A. & Savukova, G. (eds.). 1. ed. Cham: Springer, p. 133–141 9 p. (English Language Education, Vol. 22).Integrated Language and Study Skills
Martinek, T. & Savukova, G., 2021, Developing advanced English language competence: A research-informed approach at tertiary level. Berger, A., Heaney, H., Resnik, P., Rieder-Bünemann, A. & Savukova, G. (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer, (English Language Education).(Aesthetic) Violence, Narrative Unrest and the Post-colonial Nation
Martinek, T., 2015, Unbraiding the Short Story: Selected Program Articles. Lee, M. A. & Penn, A. (eds.). CreateSpace Printing, p. 151-161Writing (in) the Migrant Space: Discursive Nervousness in Contemporary Nigerian Short Stories
Martinek, T., 2013, Postcolonial Translocations: Cultural Representation and Critical Spatial Thinking. Munkelt, M., Schmitz, M., Stein, M. & Stroh, S. (eds.). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, p. 219-232 (Cross/Cultures : readings in post-colonial literatures and cultures in English, Vol. 156).Pronunciation in the EFL Classroom: Zigzagging between RP and English as a Lingua Franca
Martinek, T., 2009, In: VIEW[Z] : Vienna English working papers. 18, 3, p. 83-86Soyinka, Wole. Madmen and Specialists
Martinek, T., 2009, Kindlers Literatur Lexikon . Arnold, H. L. (ed.). 3., völlig neu bearb. ed. Stuttgart: J. B. MetzlerSoyinka, Wole. The Road.
Martinek, T., 2009, Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Arnold, H. L. (ed.). 3., völlig neu bearb. ed. Stuttgart: J. B. MetzlerThe Sympathetic Undertaker and Other Dreams
Martinek, T., 2006, Literary Encyclopedia. Clark, R. (ed.). Online’Biyi Bandele
Martinek, T., 2005, Literary Encyclopedia. Clark, R. (ed.). OnlineThe Famished Road
Martinek, T., 2004, Literary Encyclopedia. Clark, R. (ed.). OnlineActivities
(Re-) Mapping Human Relationships in Urban Space: Lagos, Narrative Unrest and the Third-Generation Nigerian Short Story
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
(Aesthetic) Violence, Narrative Unrest and the Postcolonial Nation: Third-generation Nigerian Short Stories
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
Expanding the Creative Space of African Literature: Short Stories by Third-generation Nigerian Writers
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
Writing in Liminal Spaces: Dislocation and Discursive Nervousness in Contemporary Nigerian Short Stories
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
Writing (in) the Migrant Space: Discursive Nervousness in Postcolonial Nigerian Short Stories
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
Pronunciation in the EFL Classroom: Zigzagging between RP and English as a Lingua Franca
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
(Re-) Mapping Human Relationships in Urban Space: Lagos, Narrative Unrest and the Third-Generation Nigerian Short Story
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
(Aesthetic) Violence, Narrative Unrest and the Postcolonial Nation: Third-generation Nigerian Short Stories
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Expanding the Creative Space of African Literature: Short Stories by Third-generation Nigerian Writers
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Writing in Liminal Spaces: Dislocation and Discursive Nervousness in Contemporary Nigerian Short Stories
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Writing (in) the Migrant Space: Discursive Nervousness in Postcolonial Nigerian Short Stories
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Pronunciation in the EFL Classroom: Zigzagging between RP and English as a Lingua Franca
Thomas Martinek (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Other
Department of English and American Studies
Spitalgasse 2
1090 Wien
Room: 3F-O1-11