Em. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Kastovsky (1940-2012)
Research Interests
- English morphology and word-formation (synchronic and diachronic)
- language typology
- semantics
- history of linguistics.
Selected Publications
- Studies in morphology. Aspects of English and German verb inflection, Tübingen: 1971;
- Wortbildung und Semantik, Tübingen/Düsseldorf: 1982;
- "Causatives", Foundations of Language 10, 1973: 255-315;
- "Semantics and vocabulary", in: Hogg, Richard M. (ed.), The Cambridge history of the English language. Vol. 1. The beginnings to 1066. Cambridge, 1992: 290-407;
- "Typological reorientation as a result of level interaction: the case of English morphology", in: Kellermann, Günter - Michael D. Morrissey (eds.), Diachrony within synchrony: Language history and cognition, Frankfurt/M., 1992: 411-428;
- "Verbal derivation in English: A historical survey. Or: Much ado about nothing", in: Britton, Derek (ed.), English Historical Linguistics 1994. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 1996: 93-117;
- "Morphological restructuring. The case of Old English and Middle English verbs", in: Hogg, Richard - Linda van Bergen (eds.), Historical Linguistics 1995. Volume 2: Germanic Linguistics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1998: 131-147;
- "Inflectional classes, morphological restructuring, and the dissolution of Old English grammatical gender", in: Unterbeck, Barbara - Matti Rissanen (eds), Gender in grammar and cognition. Vol. 2 Manifestations of gender. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1999: 709-727;
- "Words and word-formation: Morphology in the OED", in: Mugglestone, Lynda (ed.), Lexicography and the OED. Pioneers in the untrodden forest. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2000: 110-125;
- "Local and global typological changes in the history of English: Two complementary perspectives", in: Grabes, Herbert (ed.), Innovation and continuity in English studies. A critical jubilee. Frankfurt/M., etc. : Lang, 2001: 275-287;
- "Hans Marchand and the Marchandeans", in: Štekauer, Pavol and Rochelle Lieber, (eds.), Handbook of word-formation. (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory). New York: Springer, 2005: 99 -124;
- "Historical morphology from a typological point of view: Examples from English", in: Nevalainen, Terttu (ed.), Types of variation: Diachronic, dialectal and typological interfaces. (SLCS 76). Amsterdam, Benjamins, 2006: 53-80;
- "Vocabulary", in: Hogg Richard M. – David Denison (eds.), A history of the English language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006: 199-270;
- "Morphology as word-formation in the 20th-century linguistics: A survey", in: Auroux, Sylvain, E.F.K. Koerner, Hans-Josef Niederehe, Kees Versteegh (eds.), History of the language sciences. An international handbook on the evolution of the study of language from the beginnings to the present. Vol. 3. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006: 2324-2340;
- "Typological changes in derivational morphology", in Van Kemenade, Ans – Bettelou Los (eds.), The handbook of the history of English. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006: 151-176;
- "Middle English word-formation: a list of desiderata", in: Mazzon, Gabriella (ed.), Studies in Middle English. Forms and meanings. (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature 19). Frankfurt am Main, etc.: Lang, 2007: 41-56.
- Kastovsky, Dieter – Christiane Dalton-Puffer
- "Sexist German – non-sexist English or non-sexist German – sexist English? Historical observations on a pragmatic question". Language Sciences, 2002: 24: 285-296.
- Kastovsky, Dieter – Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky
- "The restructuring of nominal inflection from Germanic to Modern English: Major typological changes", in: Schuth, Andreas J., Kristine Horner and Jean Jacques Weber (eds.). Life in language. Studies in honour of Wolfgang Kühlwein. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2005: 45-58.
- Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara – Dieter Kastovsky
- "How do you know what I'm talking about? On the semantics and pragmatics of referring", in: Raymond Hickey – Stanislaw Puppel (eds.), Language history and linguistic modelling. A festschrift for Jacek Fisiak on his 60th birthday. (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 101). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997: 1665-1679.
*26.12.1940 in Freudenthal (Bruntal), Czech Republic; married to Prof. Dr. Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky, University of Poznań / University of Vienna.
He studied English, Romance, German Philology and General Linguistics 1959-1967 in Tübingen, Berlin (Free University) and Besançon (France). He received his Dr. Phil. in 1967 (Old English deverbal substantives derived by means of a zero morpheme, Esslingen N.: 1968). 1967-1973 he was Research Assistant at the English Department of the University of Tübingen with Hans Marchand (1971-1973 with a research grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). 1973-1981 he was Full Professor of English Philology/Linguistics at the Bergische Universität, Wuppertal. Since 1981 he has been Full Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Vienna; 1986-1990, 1994-2004 he was also Head of Department of the Department of Interpreting and Translation at the University of Vienna, 1990-1992 Head of the English Department, 2004-2006 Director of the Centre for Translation Studies, University of Vienna. From 1991 till September 2006 he was Secretary and Treasurer of Societas Linguistica Europaea. He is a member of the Sudetendeutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Munich and a Fellow of the English Association, London.
- Medal of Honour, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 1986
- Medal of Honour, Ministry of Education, People's Republic of Poland, 1989
- Officer's Cross of the Order of Merit, People's Republic of Poland, 1990
- Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit, Republic of Poland, 2005