Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alexandra GANSER
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alexandra GANSER
Current Research Interests & Projects
- Astrocultures, Astrofuturism, mobility futures: project "Colonizing Mars: Planetary Settlement in Contemporary American Culture"
- US-American, Anglophone Caribbean, and Canadian maritime literatures & cultures:
- Im/mobilization and necropolitics: project "Narratives of Flight in Contemporary North American Cross-Oceanic Refugee Literatures"
- series editor (with Meg Samuelson and Charne Lavery), Maritime Literature and Culture (Palgrave Macmillan)
- Completed project: "Crisis and Discourses of (Il)Legitimacy in American Narratives of Piracy, 1678-1865," FWF / Elise Richter Grant, 2013-2018
For further details, please visit the project website.
- Transnational, transatlantic American studies & the Black Atlantic
- Cultural studies/theory, American popular culture, historical popular culture studies, visual culture
- Gender studies
- Native American and First Nations studies
- Ecocriticism
Recent and Ongoing Activities
- co-director, first European Summer School in Canadian Studies (ESSCS), with Centre for Canadian Studies Innsbruck, July 2022.
- Faculty, IFK_Sommerakademie 2021, "Transformationen kultureller und gesellschaftlicher Mobilität", Sektion 1: Mobilität in der Krise: Transatlantische Perspektiven. August 2021.
- Podcast: LadyFiction#1, hosted by Stefanie Schaefer: Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents. The Tans-Atlanticist 18 Feb. 2021.
- Head of the interdisciplinary research platform Mobile Cultures and Societies, Univ. of Vienna (2016- ) and FWF doc.funds PhD program "Cultural Mobility Studies" (2019- ); on leave 9/2019-1/2021
- Executive Director, Zentrum für Kanadastudien (ZKS) / Centre for Canadian Studies
- Professor of American Studies (Literature & Culture), Dept. of English & American Studies, 2015- ; chair since 10/2017
- Habilitation (Venia Legendi), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2016
- post-doc, Univ. Vienna, Dept. of English and American Studies (2014-15)
- Ph.D. American Literary & Cultural Studies (2007, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Assistant Professor, American Studies, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (2006-14)
- Fellow, interdisciplinary Ph.D. program (DFG-Graduiertenkolleg) "Cultural Hermeneutics: Reflections of Difference & Transdifference," FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (2004-2006)
- Fulbright Fellow, University of Oklahoma at Norman (2003-2004)
- M.A., U of Vienna (2002): English and American Studies & History
Teaching (selection)
- American Mythologies: Critical Perspectives (VO)
- Cultural Theories and Popular Cultures: Focus USA (VO)
- Survey of North American Literatures (VO)
- Re-Reading the American Renaissance (SE)
- Theorizing Black and White (AR)
- African American (Im)mobilities in American Literature through the Centuries (PS)
- co-director, uni:vie Summer School "Archive-Based Filmmaking Workshop" with James Forsher and Rainer Köppl, July 2019.
- America's Conquest of Outer Space (SE)
- Rap and Hip Hop in the US (CMA)
- North American Refugee Literatures (SE)
- De-Colonizing the Ocean: Contemporary Multimedia Art and the Sea (CMA in cooperation with Clemens Rettenbacher, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary/TBA21 Exhibit "Tidalectics")
- Interdisciplinary Mobility Studies (PhD SE)
- The Prison Industrial Complex in American Culture (PS)
- Outlaws and Misfits: Cultures of Deviance (RingVO)
- New African Writing in the United States (PS)
Books and Special Issues
- With Barbara Gfoellner, Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez, and Steffen Woell, eds. "Archipelagic Spaces and Im/Mobilities." Spec. forum, Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS) 14.1 (2023).
- With Gudrun Rath, ed. "Liberty and Death: Pirates and Zombies in Atlantic Modernity." Spec. Issue of Atlantic Studies: Global Currents 20.3 (2023).
- With Charne Lavery, ed. Maritime Mobilities in Anglophone Literature and Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. Open Access
- Caring for Cultural Studie: A Tribute to Monika Seidl. Ed. with Barbara Maly-Bowie, Elisabeth Lechner, and Eva Schoergenhuber. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2022.
- With Leopold Lippert, Helena Oberzaucher, and Eva Schörgenhuber, eds. "Im/mobilities in American Culture." Spec. Issue of JAAAS - Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies 3.1 (2021).
- Mobile Kulturen und Gesellschaften / Mobile Cultures and Societies. Ed. with Annegret Pelz. Göttingen: V&R / Vienna UP, 2020.
- Crisis and Legitimacy in American Narratives of Piracy, 1678-1865. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Open Access
- Transgressive Television: Politics and Crime in 21st-Century American TV Series. Ed. with Birgit Daewes and Nicole Poppenhagen. Heidelberg: Winter, 2015.
- AustroBob: Österreichische Aneignungen von Bob Dylans Poesie und Musik. Ed. with Eugen Banauch and Martin Blumenau. Wien: Falter, 2014.
- Roads of Her Own: Gendered Space and Mobility in American Women's Road Narratives, 1970-2000. New York: Rodopi, 2009.
- Ed. with Katharina Gerund and Heike Paul. Pirates, Drifters, Fugitives: Figures of Mobility in American Culture and Beyond. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012.
- Ed. with Heike Paul. Screening Gender: Geschlechterszenarien in der gegenwärtigen US-amerikanischen Populärkultur. Erlanger Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik 9. Wien, Münster: LIT, 2007.
- Ed. with Katharina Gerund and Christina Judith Hein. COPAS: Current Perspectives in Postgraduate American Studies 9 (2008).
- Ed. with Vibha Arora. EcoCultures. Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 7.2 (May 2007). Special Issue on Ecocriticism.
Forthcoming and Recent Essays & Reviews
- with Barbara Gföllner. "An Astropelagic Reading of Canisia Lubrin's 'Voodoo Hypothesis.'" Mobility Futures. Ed. Romana Bund et al. Bielefeld: transcript (forthcoming 2024).
- "Astrofuturismus: Utopien der Mobilität." In: Deutungsmacht von Zukunftsnarrativen. Hg. Martina Kumlehn. Bielefeld: transcript (erscheint 2024).
- "Transatlantic Triangulations and/in Musical Variations: Bob Dylan’s Trajectories into Austrian Popular Music." European American Studies. Ed. Heike Paul and Donald Pease. Hanover: Dartmouth UP (in preparation).
- with Jens Temmen and Clemens Rettenbacher. "Our Sea of Stars? An Archipelagic Reading of Outer Space." Archipelagic Spaces and Mobilities." Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS) 14.1 (2023).
- with Charne Lavery, "Introduction: Maritime Mobilities." Maritime Mobilities in Anglophone Literature and Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 1-17. Open Access
- "Going Nowhere: Oceanic Im/Mobilities in North American Refugee Fiction." Maritime Mobilities in Anglophone Literature and Culture, ed. A. Ganser and Charne Lavery. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 211-234.
- with Gudrun Rath. "Liberty and Death: Pirates and Zombies in Atlantic Modernity." Atlantic Studies: Global Currents 20.3 (2023), 365-380.
- "'O'er us, rovers free': Performing Gender and National Identity in Jacksonian Pirate Melodrama Pirate Melodrama." The Politics of Gender in Early American Theater: Revolutionary Dramatists and Theatrical Practices. Ed. Leopold Lippert and Ralph Poole. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022. 179-210. DOI: 10.14361/9783839452530-009
- with Annegret Pelz et al. "Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Mobilitätsstudien konzeptualisieren / Conceptualizing Cultural and Social Mobility Studies." Mobile Kulturen und Gesellschaften / Mobile Cultures and Societies. Ed. with Annegret Pelz. Göttingen: V&R / Vienna UP, 2020. 1-44.
- "Mobilität und Medialität im Hollywood-Weltraumfilm: Interstellar und The Martian." Mobile Kulturen und Gesellschaften / Mobile Cultures and Societies. Ed. with Annegret Pelz. Göttingen: V&R / Vienna UP, 2020. 45-63.
- "Astrofuturism." Critical Terms in Future Studies. Ed. Heike Paul. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 35-43.
- "From the Black Atlantic to the Bleak Pacific: Re-Reading Benito Cereno." Atlantic Studies 15.2 (2018). Spec. Issue "Across Currents: Connections between Atlantic and (Trans)Pacific Studies." Ed. Jens Temmen and Nicole Poppenhagen. 218-37. https://doi.org/10.1080/14788810.2017.1384612
- Rev. Sea Narratives: Cultural Responses to the Sea, 1600-Present, ed. Charlotte Mathieson. Transfers: Journal of Interdisciplinary Mobility Studies 8.1 (March 2018). 144-146.
- "Mobility in Early Modern Anglo-American Accounts of Piracy." Piracy, Place, and Property. Ed. Martin Fredriksson and James Arvanitakis. London: Routledge, 2017. 81-92.
- "Painting (the) In-Between: Twentieth-Century Indigenous Border Art at Glacier/Waterton National Parks." In-Between: Liminal Spaces in Canadian Literature and Culture. Ed. Stefan Brandt. Canadiana 20. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2017. 114-30.
- "A 'civil wildness': Nature and Frontier Migration in Caroline Kirkland's A New Home, Who'll Follow? (1839)." Amerikastudien/American Studies 61.4 (2017): 469-88.
- "Der Pirat als Nationalheld? Piraterie und Krisenverhandlung in der US-amerikanischen Populärkultur des 19. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel Lieutenant Murrays Fanny Campbell (1844)." Populäre Piraten: Vermessung eines Feldes. Eds. Irmtraud Hnilica and Marcel Lepper. Berlin: Kadmos, 2017.103-18.
- "Territorrialities of Flight: The Refugee Narrative in Edwidge Danticat and Madeleine Thien." Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (LWU) 49.2-3 (2016). Special issue "Refugees and/in Literature," ed. Sladja Blazan and Nigel Hatton.
- "Caroline Kirkland." Oxford Bibliographies in American Literature. Eds. Jackson Bryer, Richard Kopley, and Paul Lauter. oxfordbibliographiesonline.com. 2016.
- "Gerald Vizenor: Transnational Trickster of Theory." Native North American Survivance and Memory: The Vizenor Continuum. Ed. Birgit Daewes and Alexandra Hauke. London: Routledge, 2016. 16-33.
- "Twin Peaks: Serializing the US-Canadian Border." Transgressive Television: Politics and Crime in 21st-Century American TV Series. Ed. with Birgit Daewes and Nicole Poppenhagen. Heidelberg: Winter, 2015. 55-79.
- with Birgit Daewes and Nicole Poppenhagen. "Season Recap: A Preface." Transgressive Television: Politics and Crime in 21st-Century American TV Series. Ed. with B. Daewes & N. Poppenhagen. Heidelberg: Winter, 2015. 9-14.
- with Martin Blumenau. "Bringing It All Back Home? Wolfgang Ambros' Aneignungen Bob Dylans." AustroBob: Österreichische Aneignungen von Bob Dylans Poesie und Musik. Ed. with Eugen Banauch and M. Blumenau. Wien: Falter-Verlag, 2014. 108-17.
- "The Coastal Figuration of the Caribbean Pirate in the Late-Seventeenth Century." Navigating Cultural Spaces: Maritime Places. Ed. Anna-Margaretha Horatschek, Yvonne Rosenberg, and Daniel Schäbler. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2014. 135-55.
- "Hipster Tourism and Hidden Mobilities in Chuck Palahniuk's Fugitives and Refugees." Culture and Mobility. Ed. Klaus Benesch. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 103-20.
- "Pirate Science, Coastal Knowledge: Chorographies of the American Isthmus in the Late Seventeenth Century." Agents of Transculturation: Border-Crossers, Mediators, Go-Betweens. Ed. Sebastian Jobs and Gesa Mackenthun. Münster: Waxmann, 2013. 115-35.
- "The Pirate Ship as a Black Atlantic Heterotopia: Maxwell Philip's Emmanuel Appadocca." Contact Spaces in American Culture: Globalizing Local Phenomena. Ed. Petra Eckhard, Klaus Rieser, and Silvia Schultermandl. Vienna: LIT, 2012. 51-75.
- "That the Enchantments of the Sea may not have too strong and quick a Force upon some: Seafaring Mobilities in Transatlantic Narratives of Piracy around 1700." Pirates, Drifters, Fugitives: Figures of Mobility in American Culture and Beyond. Ed. with Heike Paul and Katharina Gerund. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 31-52.
- "Specters of Slavery, Phantoms of Luxury: Utopian Economics in A. O. Exquemelin's Buccaneers of America (1678/84)." American Economies. Ed. Eva Bösenberg, Reinhard Isensee, and Martin Klepper. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 303-25.
- "Rituals of Citizenship in Winold Reiss's Indian Portraits: A Transatlantic Reading." Visual Representations of Native Americans: Transnational Contexts and Perspectives. Ed. Karsten Fitz. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 237-54.
- "Lap Dancing for Mommy: Queer Intermediality, Chick Lit, and Trans-Generational Feminist Mediation in Erika Lopez' Illustrated Narratives." Amerikastudien / American Studies 56.2 (2011): 219-40.
- "War Wounds: Bodily Inscriptions of Trauma and Cultural Memory in Silko's Ceremony." Body Signs: The Body in Latino/a Cultural Production. Ed. Astrid M. Fellner. Vienna: LIT, 2011. 103-21.
- "Navigating Little Italy: Carceral Mobility in Martin Scorsese's Mean Streets." EthniCities: Metropolitan Cultures and Ethnic Identities in the Americas. Ed. Martin Butler, Jens Martin Gurr, and Olaf Kaltmeier. Trier: wvt, 2011. 139-54.
Papers & Lectures (selection)
- with Jens Temmen. "An Archipelagic Reading of Outer Space." International Workshop "Archipelagic Imperial Spaces and Mobilities," Univ. of Leipzig & online, July 15-17, 2021.
- "Mobilities of Conquest in Hollywood’s Near Future Visions of Outer Space." Guest Lecture, Univ. Rostock, 21 Jan. 2021 (online).
- "Maritime Mobilitäten: Literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven." Invited talk, TRANSMARE Kolloquium (Trierer Institut zur Erforschung des Transfers von Menschen, Gütern und Ideen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart), Univ. Trier, 13 Jan. 2021 (online).
- "Maritime Flight in Contemporary Refugee Novels from the U.S. and Canada." Paper, Conference "Forms of Migration: Literature. Performance. The World," University of Graz/FWF. 2 May 2019.
- "Twin Peaks' Seriality of the Double." Salzburg University, 22 Jan. 2019.
- "Refugee Literature between the Caribbean and the US," Keynote, Conference "Migration, Flucht und Evakuierung in den Amerikas." Univ. Graz, Oct. 20, 2018.
- "The Many Faces of Piracy in Antebellum American Literature," guest lecture, Univ. of Innsbruck, 24 June 2018.
- "Trans-Oceanic Kinship and the Ghosts of the Dead in Madeleine Thien and Edwidge Danticat," MESEA conference, Univ. of Graz, June 1, 2018.
- Symposium Re-Reading Melville & Hawthorne, Amerika Haus, 9 May 2017.
- "Refugee Memories: Madeleine Thien's Dogs at the Perimeter." Guest Lecture, Univ. Graz, 25 Apr. 2017.
- "The Anthropocene Goes Outer Space: Terraforming im Hollywoodfilm." Lecture Series "Das Anthropozän," Univ. Wien, German Studies Department (Eva Horn), 15 Jan. 2018.
- with Alexandra Hauke. "Indigenous Mobilities in Arctic Canada: Zacharias Kunuk's Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner." Lecture Series "Kanada: UmWelten und GrenzRäume," Centre for Canadian Studies/ZKS 29 Nov. 2017.
- "Medialität und Mobilität im Hollywood-Weltraumfilm: Interstellar und The Martian." Ringvorlesung Mobilität und Medialität, 24 Jan. 2017.
- "Painting 'Indians' at the U.S.-Canadian Border." Conference "In-Between: Liminal Spaces in Canadian Literature and Culture," Univ. Graz, June 2-4, 2016.
- Bob Dylan at 75: Roundtable participant, Kulturverein Wimpassing, May 22, 2016; book presentation AustroBob, AmerikaHaus, May 24, 2016.
- "Cross-Dressing and Piracy in Antebellum American Literature." FAU Erlangen, May 10, 2016.
- "(Nicht) erzählte Männlichkeit: Bob Dylan in Österreich und Deutschland der 1970er und 80er Jahre." Symposium "POP SUB HOCH GEGEN (II): Erzählen", KHM Köln, April 28-29, 2016.
- "Stranger than TV: Reading Twin Peaks as Prequel to the Y2K Television Series." Amerika Haus Vienna, March 2, 2016.
- "Maritime Mobilities: An Introduction." Conference opening, Maritime Mobilities: Critical Perspectives from the Humanities. Feb. 1, 2016.
- "(Alp)Traum USA." Aktionsradius Wien, Nov. 17, 2015.
- "Crisis and Risk in 19th-Century Popular Narratives of Piracy." "Perilous Passages: The Birth of Risk in 19th-Century American Culture." Oct. 23–24, 2015, Schloss Thurnau. (paper in absence)
- "Reading Pirate Narratives in Antebellum America: Tales of Misery, Tales of Beginnings." American Studies Association annual conference, Toronto, Oct. 8-11, 2015.
- "Transatlantic Triangulations and/in Musical Variations: Bob Dylan's Trajectories into Austrian Popular Music and the Legacy of European American Popular Music Studies." European American Studies Workshop, Dartmouth College and Bavarian America Academy. Munich, 15 May 2015.
- "'Parallel Encounters' and 'damn fine coffee': Twin Peaks' Border Seriality." Invited guest lecture, Univ. of Erlangen, Nov. 12, 2014.
- "Gerald Vizenor: Transnational Trickster of Theory." International conference "Native North American Survivance and Memory: Celebrating Gerald Vizenor," Univ. Vienna, June 20-23, 2014.
- "A 'civil wildness': Nature and Frontier Migration in Caroline Kirkland's A New Home, Who'll Follow? (1839)." Symposium "Nature - Mobility - Literature: The Environmental Imagination of Migration," Univ. Bamberg, Jan. 24, 2014. Re-invited to Workshop 7 "A World on the Move: The Environmental Politics of Migration," Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies, Würzburg, June 12-15, 2014.
- "Piracy and Legitimate Authority in James Fenimore Cooper's Red Rover (1827)." American Studies Colloquium, Univ. Regensburg, Jan. 10, 2014.
- "Coastal Knowledge: Isthmian 'Pirate' Narratives, Cultural Difference, andScientific Discourse in the Late 17th Century." Conference "Contested Knowledge in the Western Hemisphere," Univ. Rostock, Sept. 18-19, 2013.
- "Der Pirat als Nationalheld? Piraten in der US-amerikanischen Populärliteratur in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts." Conference "Populäre Piraten. Zur Vermessung eines Feldes," Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, Sept. 28-29, 2012.
- "Reading Multiple Mobilities: Chuck Palahniuk's Fugitives and Refugees." Bavarian American Academy (BAA) Conference "Cultures of Mobility," Munich, July 5-7, 2012.
- "Piratical Consumption and the Black Atlantic Critique of the Slave Economy in the Mid-19th Century." International conference "Buying America: Literature and Consumption in the 19th Century," Univ. of Paderborn, June 12-13, 2012.
- "From Port Royal to Boston: Articulating the Mobility of Pirates around 1700." Nomadism and Mobile Ways of Life in the Americas/Nomadismo y formas de vida con movilidad en las Américas, International Conference, Feb. 15-17, 2012, Urania Wien.
Workshop & Conference Organization (selection)
- With Leopold Lippert, Helena Oberzaucher, & Eva Schörgenhuber: 45th annual conference of the Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS), “American Im/Mobilities,” Vienna, 16-18 Nov. 2018; keynotes: Hester Blum, Heike Paul, Mimi Sheller
- With Annegret Pelz: Author's Workshop “Mobile Kulturen und Gesellschaften,” Institut für Germanistik, Universität Wien, 2 Oct. 2018.
- With Eugen Banauch, Marc Chalier Helena Oberzaucher, Jörg Türschmann, & Daniel Winkler: 20th Anniversary Research Fest: “Kanada in Wien, Wien in Kanada / Canada in Vienna, Vienna in Canada / Le Canada à Vienne, Vienne au Canada,” University of Vienna, 14-16 June 2018.
- Workshop “Minor Mobilities in North American Literature and Culture,” University of Vienna, 3-4 May 2018.
- With Gudrun Rath: “Liberty and Death,” Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Kunstuniversität Linz in Wien, 18-19 Jan. 2018.
- With Steve Hoelscher (University of Texas/Austin): Student Workshop "Transnational American Studies and Popular Culture," 8 June 2017.
- Student Symposium "Black Music in Chicago and Vienna: Roots and Routes," Amerika Haus, 27 June 2016.
- With Stefanie Schäfer: Workshop, DGfA Annual Conference: "Embodiments of the Law in American Literature and Culture," Osnabrück, May 2016.
- Interdisciplinary conference "Maritime Mobilities: Critical Perspectives from the Humanities," Vienna, 1-2 Feb. 2016.
- With Michela Borzaga, Dieter Fuchs, & Tamara Radak: student symposium"Commemorating Stuart Hall: Representation--Encoding/Decoding--Race," Dept. of English and American Studies, University of Vienna, 6 Dec. 2014.
- With Birgit Daewes, Alexandra Hauke, & Nicole Poppenhagen: conference "Transgressive Television," Amerika Haus Vienna, 1-3 Oct. 2014.
- With Birgit Daewes, Alexandra Hauke, & Nicole Poppenhagen: conference "Native North American Survivance and Memory: Celebrating Gerald Vizenor," U of Vienna, 20-23 June 2014.
- With M. Butler: workshop "Popular Culture on the Move: Transnational Aspects of the Popular in America through the Centuries," U Oldenburg, 11-13 Oct. 2012.
- With Heike Paul & Tanja Roppelt: Levi Strauss Lecture in American Culture and Civilization, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg in cooperation with the German-American Institute Nuremberg (DAI), June 2012.
- With Heike Paul: international FAUNAC Lecture Series "Transnational America," FAU Erlangen (2012)
- With Heike Paul & Meike Zwingenberger: 3rd International DAAD Summer Academy for PhD Students, Bavarian America Academy (BAA) in cooperation with Wayne State U/Detroit & U of Warsaw "Transatlantic American Studies: Democratic Cultures, Past and Present," 14-28 May 2011.
- Workshop chair, "The Ocean as a Contact Space," AAAS Conference "Contact Spaces in American Culture," U Graz, 22-25 Oct. 2009.
- With Heike Paul & Katharina Gerund: conference "Imagining Alternative Mobilities: Pirates, Drifters, Fugitives," FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, June 2009.
- With Stefanie Schäfer: workshop "Critique for What? American Studies and Cultural Studies," annual conference, German Association for American Studies, Jena, June 2009.
Grants, Awards, Fellowships
- Habilitationspreis, Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2016.
- U.S. Embassy Fellowship, Salzburg Global Seminar/Salzburg Seminar American Studies Association (SSASA) symposium, “Defining America: New Writing, New Voices, New Directions," Sep. 27-Oct. 1, 2014
- Award for Best Article in Amerikastudien/American Studies (2011/12) for "'Lap Dancing for Mommy': Queer Intermediality, Chick Lit, and Trans-Generational Feminist Mediation in Erika Lopez's Illustrated Narratives"
- Christoph-Daniel Ebeling Research Grant, American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts (2009)
- European Fellow 2009-10, Bruce Centre for American Studies, Keele Univ., UK (2009)
- Award, Best Dissertation, Bavarian America Academy (2008)
- Fellow, Heidelberg Center for American Studies Spring Academy (2007)
- Fellow, Bavarian American Academy (BAA) Summer School (2007)
- Fellow, Salzburg Seminar in American Studies Association (SSASAA)
- Director, Interdisciplinary Research Platform & FWF doc.funds program Mobile Cultures and Societies
- Executive Director, Centre for Canadian Studies (ZKS), 2015-
- Mentor, "doc:muv Mentoring-Programm für prae-doc Nachwuchswissenschafterinnen"
- President, Austrian Association for American Studies, 2017-18 (board member since 2015).
- Reviewer, Wissenschaftsministerium (2015- ), Austrian National Bank Jubiläumsfonds
- Fulbright Liaison & Selection Committee GLTA Program (2015- )
- Salzburg Global Seminar in American Studies country representative (2014- )
- Vice President, Verein zur Erforschung Kontinentalamerikas und der Karibik (KonaK), 2014-
- Reader, Contemporary Women's Writing, 2011-
- FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg: Women's Representative, Dept. of English, American, and Romance Studies (2011-13); non-tenured faculty representative (2007-9); Mentor, ARIADNEphil program