emer. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz

Room: 3D-O2-01 (2nd floor)
T: +43 1  4277- 42417


Research Interests

  • Literature and Culture of the American South
  • Imagology and Travel Literature
  • Transatlantic Cultural Exchanges
  • Ethnic Voices in North America
  • Canadian Fiction
  • Literary Historiography


  • American Literature from Colonial Times until the Present
  • Canadian Literature before Confederation and in the Twentieth Century
  • Ethnicity, Multiculturalism and Transculturality in North America
  • Imagology and Travel Literature
  • Ecological Issues in North American Texts
  • Satire in Anglophone Literatures
  • Cultural Studies (focus on North American cultures)

The supervision of diploma and doctoral theses is offered in all these fields. A significant number is currently in progress.

Selected Publications

  • Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement: Affirmative and Critical Approaches in the Humanities, ed. together with Herta Nagl-Docekal. deGruyter, 2022. 335pp.
  • Cultural Politics, Transfer, and Propaganda : Mediated Narratives and Images in Austrian-American Relations, ed. together with Siegfried Beer. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2021. 440 pp.
  • Transatlantic Elective Affinities :Traveling Ideas and their Mediators, ed. together with Herta Nagl-Docekal. Wien : Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2021. 228 pp.
  • Ideas Crossing the Atlantic: Theories, Normative Conceptions, and Cultural Images,together with Christoph Irmscher. Wien: Verlag der ÖAW, 2019. 445pp.
  • Transatlantic Networks and the Perception and Representation of Vienna and Austria between the 1920s and 1950s. Wien: Verlag der ÖAW, 2018. 323pp.
  • Return from Exile – Rückkehr aus dem Exil: Exiles, Returnees and Their Impact in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Austria and Central Europe, ed. together with Manfred Prisching. Wien: Verlag der ÖAW, 2017. 495pp.
  • Ein Filmphilosophie-Symposium mit Robert B. Pippin: Western, Film Noir und das Kino der Brüder Dardenne. Ed. together with Ludwig Nagl, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016. 255pp. (Wiener Reihe – Themen der Philosophie, Vol. 19).
  • Narratives of Encounters in the North Atlantic Triangle. Ed. together with David Staines, Wien: Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015. 411pp.
  • Immigration and Integration in North America: Canadian and Austrian Perspectives, ed. together with Fritz Peter Kirsch. Wien: V&R Unipress, Vienna UP, 2014. 167pp.
  • Cultural Circulation: Dialogues between Canada and the American South, ed. together with Christoph Irmscher. Wien: Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013. 398pp.
  • Imagology Revisited, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010, 571pp.
  • Riding/Writing Across Borders in North American Travelogues and Fiction. Ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz, Wien: Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, 394pp.
  • Social and Cultural Interaction and Literary Landscapes in the Canadian West. Ed. together with F. Peter Kirsch, Wien: WUV-Verlag, 2010. 319pp.
  • Native Americans and First Nations: A Transnational Challenge. Ed. together with Christian Feest, Paderborn: Schöningh, 2009. 259 pp.
  • Images of Germany in American Literature. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press 2007.
  • Transatlantic Exchanges: The American South in Europe – Europe in the American South. Ed. together with Richard Gray, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2007.
  • Canadian Interculturality and the Transatlantic Heritage. Ed. together with F.-P. Kirsch, Vienna: WUV-Verlag 2005.
  • Transatlantische Differenzen/Transatlantic Differences. Ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz, Vienna – Cologne: Böhlau 2004.
  • The Many Souths: Class in Southern Culture. Ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz, Tübingen: Stauffenburg 2003.
  • Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Multikulturalismus: Der Schutz sprachlich-kultureller Vielfalt in Kanada und Europa / The Protection of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Canada and in Europe: Chances and Obstacles of Multiculturalism, ed. together with F.-P. Kirsch, Wien - Budapest 2004.
  • Das Deutschlandbild in der amerikanischen Literatur, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1998.
 Recent Essays
  • “The Confluence of Ethnic Voices in Urban America” in Achim Hölter, Hg. The Languages of World Literature, Berlin: DeGruyter, 2024. 149-72. [Semi-plenary paper given at the 21st Congress of the ICLA]
  • “Transnational Strains in Canadian Intergenerational Immigrant Narratives”, in Alessanadra Boller et al.  Hg. Prudent Crossings:  From Milton’s Paradise to Canada’s Bush Gardens. Augsburg: Wißner, 2023. 155-67.  [Festschrift for Martin Küster, Marburg, Germany].
  • “Die USA und Europa: Die Weltordnung und das Erbe der Gründerväter“, in Neue Weltordnung [Akademie im Dialog – Forschung und Gesellschaft 2], 7-15, 30. 32, 36.[Contribution to a panel on „Neue Weltordnung“ at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on 15 Dec. 2022].
  • “Introduction,” in Waldemar Zacharasiewicz, Carmen Birkle and Manfred Prisching. Hg. Polarization in North America: European Perspectives, 13-31.
  • “Critical Perspectives on Self-Sufficing Humanism in Southern Fiction.” In Herta Nagl-Docekal and Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Hg. Religion in the Secular Age. 165-177.
  • “Introduction,” in Herta Nagl-Docekal and Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Hg. Religion in the Secular Age.  Berlin; DeGruyter. 2023. 1-17.
  • "Encounters and Representations beyond Borders” in Od Alkuina Do Von Wolkensteina, Melvilla in Steinbecka [Denkschrift für Janez Stanonik], Slovenska Akadmemija Znanosti in Umetnosti  Dissertationes XXVIII, Ljubljana, 2023. 52-64, (Slovenian translation: ibid., 39-51)
  • “Introduction,” in Herta Nagl-Docekal and Waldemar Zacharasiewicz, Hg. Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement: Affirmative and Critical Approaches in the Humanities. 1-14.
  • “Perception and Promotion of Austrian Regions and Resorts in Transatlantic Perspective”, in Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar and Siegfried Beer, Hg. Cultural Politics, Transfer, and Propaganda: Mediated Narratives and Images in Austrian-American Relations. Wien: Verlag der ÖAW, 2021. 59-77.
  • “Introduction,” in Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar and Siegfried Beer, Hg. Cultural Politics, Transfer, and Propaganda .11-32.
  • “The Debate on Reforms in Education and Academic Institutions in Nineteenth-Century America” in Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar and Herta Nagl-Docekal, Hg. Transatlantic Elective Affinities: Traveling Ideas and their Mediators, Wien: Verlag der ÖAW. 25-46.
  • “Introduction” in Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar and Herta Nagl-Docekal, Hg. Transatlantic Elective Affinities. 9-22.
  • “Transatlantic Networks and Their Significance for Refugees from Central Europe to the United States, 1938–1949.” Journal of Austrian-American History Vol. 2, No. 2 (2018): 77-90.
  • “Bilder der Neuen Welt im deutschsprachigen Raum im späten 18. Jahrhundert.” Joseph Haydn & die "Neue Welt". Bericht über das Symposium der Internationalen Joseph Haydn Privatstiftung Eisenstadt im Rahmen der 23. Internationalen Haydntage. Ed. Reicher, Walter. Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2019. 25-37.
  • “Thornton Wilder’s European Sojourns, Literary Contacts, and His Role as a Transatlantic Mediator,” in Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar and Christoph Irmscher, Hg.  Ideas Crossing the Atlantic.141-58.
  • “Introduction,” in Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar and Christoph Irmscher, Hg. Ideas Crossing the Atlantic: Theories, Normative Conceptions and Cultural Images. Wien: Verlag der ÖAW, 2019. 11-17.
  • “Canadian Literature and the Americana South: Remarks on their Relationship – an Underresearched Topic”, in Yvonne Völkl and Albert Göschl, Hg. Observations: Beobachtungen zu Literaur und Moral in der Romania und den Amerikas. Wien: LIT Verlag, 2019, 211-221.
  • „US American Transatlantic Mediators in Vienna: Louis and Jean Starr Untermeyer.“ Germanistik Grenzenlos: Festschrift für Wynfrid Kriegleder zum 60. Geburtstag. Eds. Veronika Hofeneder and Nicole Perry. Wien: Praesens Verlag, 2018. 72-78.
  • The First World War Then and Now: Literature, Theatre and the Arts. Eds. Martin Löschnigg, Sherill Grace und Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 29,2 (2018), 7-104.
  • Review: Tales of Berlin in American Literature up to the 21st Century by Joshua Parker. Anglia 135,4, 2017. 779-784.
  • “North American Travelers in the Rhine Valley: Revisions of Their Perspectives on the Landscape and on Sites of Memory in the Contested Region.” The Rhine: National tensions, Romantic visions, ed. Manfred Beller and Joep Leerssen, Amsterdam: Rodopi-Brill, 2017. 78-10
  • “Introduction,“ Return from Exile – Rückkehr aus dem Exil, 2017. 9-21.
  • “Teaching Canada – Jack Hodgins and Fiction from the Pacific Rim”, in Martin Kuester, Claire Köhling, Sylvia Langwald, Albert Rau, Hg. Teaching Canada – Enseigner le Canada.- Augsburg: Wißner Verlag, 2017. 229 – 247.
  • “Reflecting on the Region, Revisioning the Self: John Gould Fletcher’s Song of his Life and Its Transatlantic Context.” In Constructing the Self: Essays on Southern Life-Writing. Southern Autobiography, ed. Carmen Rueda-Ramos and Susana Jiménez Placer. València: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2017. 303-316.
  • "Discussing Pippin’s Film Philosophy within the Context of the 'North Atlantic Triangle'", in Ein Filmphilosophie-Symposium mit Robert B. Pippin: Western, Film Noir und das Kino der Brüder Dardenne. ed. together with Ludwig Nagl. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016. 11-14.
  • "Screening the American South", in Ein Filmphilosophie-Symposium mit Robert B. Pippin: Western, Film Noir und das Kino der Brüder Dardenne. ed. together with Ludwig Nagl. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016. 129-142.
  • "Echoes from the Western Front: Stages in the Transformation of Germans / German Americans in the Media from Models into Dangerous Antagonists", in North America, Europe and the Cultural Memory of the First World War, ed. Martin Löschnigg, Karin Kraus. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2015. 171-183.
  • "Inspiration at the Crossroads: North American Visitors on the Banks of Danube in the 1920s and 1930s", in Narratives of Encounters in the North Atlantic Triangle. Ed. together with David Staines, Wien: Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015, 127-143.
  • "Wandlungen des Wienbilds in nordamerikanischen Literaturen", in Nach Wien! Sehnsucht, Distanzierung, Suche: Literarische Darstellungen Wiens aus komparatistischer Perspektive, ed. Norbert Bachleitner, Christine Ivanovic. Wechselwirkungen: Österreichische Literatur im internationalen Kontext, Band 17. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2015. 67-92.
  • "Transkulturelle Erfahrung und Migration in der anglophonen kanadischen Literatur", in Transkulturelle Dynamiken: Aktanten - Prozesse - Theorien, ed. Jutta Ernst, Florian Freitag. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2015, 119-137.
  • "Transplanted to Foreign Lands: Immigrant Women in Western Canada", in Narratives of Crisis - Crisis of Narrative, ed. Martin Kuester,  Francoise Le Jeune, Anca-Raluca Radu, Charlotte Sturgess. Augsburg: Wißner-Verlag, 2012, 42-56.
  • "Zur Topographie eines Kulturraumes: Die Literatur des amerikanischen Südens zwischen Beharrung und Wandel", in Literatur im Kontext: ein gegenseitiges Entbergen. ed. Herbert Van Uffelen, Wynfrid Kriegleder, Alois Woldan, Ewald Mengel, Wien: Präsens Verlag, 2010, 45-66.
  • "Transatlantic Memories, Ethnic Encounters and Transculturation in Canadian Literature", in From Interculturalism to Transculturalism: Mediating Encounters in Cosmopolitan Contexts. Festschrift für Rüdiger Ahrens, ed. Heinz Antor, et al. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2010, 215-229.
  • "Dixie Unlimited? American Identity and the Self-Perception of Southerners", in Americanisms: Exception, Exclusion, Exchange, (= American Studies – A Monograph Series 173), ed. Michael Steppat, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2009, 187-203.
  • "Southern Alumni of German Universities. Fashioning a Tradition of Excellence", in The German Presence in the U.S.A. Ed. Josef Raab and Jan Wirrer, Münster: LIT-Verlag, 2008, pp. 539-560.
  • "The Literary Construction of Canada, the ‘Other America’, and Its Transatlantic Ties", in Theory and Practice in English Studies, vol. 4. Ed. Jan Chovanec, Brno: Masaryk University 2005, pp. 7-23.
  • "Der Roman und die Überwindung der Romanze", in Kanadische Literaturgeschichte. Ed. Konrad Groß et al., Stuttgart: Verlag Metzler 2005, pp. 129-150.
  • "Eden in Jeopardy: Sites of Insight in Fiction from the Canadian West", in Regionalism in the Age of Globalism: Forms of Regionalism. Ed. L. Hönnighausen et al., Madison: University of Wisconsin Press/Max Kade Institute 2005, pp. 209-224.
  • "A Separate Identity Asserted: Agrarian Affinities With European Culture", in What is American? New Identities in U.S. Culture. Ed. Klaus Rieser und Walter Hölbling, Wien: LIT-Verlag 2004, pp. 191-210.


  • 2018 Honorary doctorate/Ehrendoktorat awarded by the Eötvös Lorand University in Budapest (ELTE)
  • 2014 elected Foreign Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
  • 2010 elected member of the Academia Europaea
  • since 2008 Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • 2006 Fellow at the University of South Carolina, Princeton University and
  • University of Texas at Austin
  • 2001 Dist. Fulbright Scholar UNC Chapel Hill and University of Ottawa
  • since 2000 Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • 1997-1999: Head of the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Vienna
  • 1996 Visiting Scholar UNC Chapel Hill and Duke University, consecutively Visiting Professor University of Minnesota and University of Maryland at College Park
  • 1991/92: Senior Fulbright Scholar Stanford University
  • since 1974 Professor of American Studies, University of Vienna
  • 1967 Dr. phil. University of Graz

For more details see here