Forthcoming / in preparation
Fagan, Paul, and Dieter Fuchs, eds. Flann O'Brien: Acting Out (forthcoming from Cork University Press)
Fuchs, Dieter. "'A Sort of Encyclopaedia': James Joyce's 'The Dead', Macrobius's Saturnalia, and Menippean Satire" (accepted by James Joyce Quarterly)
Fagan, Paul, John Greaney, and Tamara Radak, eds. Irish Modernisms: Gaps, Conjectures, Possibilities. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
Fagan, Paul, Dieter Fuchs, and Tamara Radak. Stage Irish - PERFORMANCE, IDENTITY, CULTURAL CIRCULATION (Irish Studies in Europe 10). Trier: WVT, 2021.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Austria and the Irish Paddy: Séan O’Casey's Juno and the Paycock Staged in 1930 and 1934 Vienna." In: Fagan, Fuchs, Radak (eds.) Irish Studies in Europe: Stage Irish - PERFORMANCE, IDENTITY, CULTURAL CIRCULATION. Trier: WVT, 2021.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Menippeisches Schreiben als Oszillation zwischen Struktur und Anti-Struktur Ulysses und Finnegans Wake." In: Prosa: Theorie, Exegese, Geschichte. Simon, R. (ed.). Boston: DeGruyter-Verlag. 375-395.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Making History in Washington Irving's 'Rip van Winkle' and James Joyce's Ulysses." Wherefrom does History Emerge? Schabert, T. & von Heyking, J. (eds.). Berlin / Boston: DeGruyter-Verlag, 7-37.
Fuchs, Dieter. "James Joyce's “The Dead” and Macrobius's Saturnalia: The Menippean Encyclopedic Tradition and the Mythical Method." James Joyce Quarterly 57.3-4 (2020): 115-132.
Fuchs, Dieter. "From Ancient Troy to St. Lucia – James Joyce's Ulysses and Derek Walcott's Omeros." Transcending Boundaries: Migrations, Dislocations, and Literary Transformations. Zach, W. & Maver, I. (eds.). Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2020. 105-114.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Epic Geography: The Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Great War and the Trojan War in Ulysses and Finnegans Wake." Joyce Studies in Italy (2020). 55-69.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Donald Phillip Verene, James Joyce and the Philosophers at Finnegans Wake (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2016)." James Joyce Quarterly 56.1-2 (2019): 185-189.
Mayer, Sandra. Wilde in Vienna: Pleasing and Teasing the Audience. Amsterdam: Rodopi/Brill: Leyden/Boston, 2018.
Radak, Tamara. "Don't Stop Me Now: Printing Presses, Pisgah Sights and the Poetics of Paralysis in 'Aeolus'." Brockmann, William, Tekla Mecsnober, and Sabrina Alonso, eds. James Joyce and the World of Publishing. European Joyce Studies 26. Amsterdam: Brill/Rodopi, 2018. 143-155.
Radak, Tamara. "'Sigmund Freud... Analyze This': The Joys of Freud and the 'Cycloannalism' of Finnegans Wake." Schwall, Hedwig, ed. Boundaries, Passages, Transitions: Essays in Irish Literature, Culture and Politics in Honour of Werner Huber. Irish Studies in Europe 8. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2018. 163-178.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Flann O'Brien's The Dalkey Archive: A Menippean Rebellion against Authority." Borg, Ruben, Paul Fagan, and John McCourt, eds. Flann O'Brien: Problems with Authority. Cork: Cork University Press, 2017. 230-241.
Fuchs, Dieter. "James Joyce's Ulysses - A Menippean Satire?" Joyce Studies in Italy 19 (2017): 79-90.
Fuchs, Dieter. Review of "Patrick O'Neill, Impossible Joyce: Finnegans Wake (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013)." Partial Answers 15.2 (2017): 391-393.
Radak, Tamara. "'Walking forever on falling ground': Footnotes, Hypertext, and the Textures of Possibility in The Third Policeman." Borg, Ruben, Paul Fagan, and John McCourt, eds. Flann O'Brien: Problems with Authority. Cork: Cork University Press, 2017. 242-254.
Radak, Tamara. "'Poised on the threshold': The Unfinalizability of Joycean Encyclopedism." James Joyce Quarterly 53.1. (2017) Special Issue: Encyclopedia Joyce.
Fuchs, Dieter, Werner Huber, and Sandra Mayer. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2015." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 46.2 (2016): 1-62.
Mayer, Sandra. "The Art of Creating a Great Sensation: Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)." Franssen, Gaston, and Rick Honings, eds. Celebrity Authorship and Afterlives in English and American Literature. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 111-132.
Mayer, Sandra. "Literary Cosmopolitanism and Agents of Mediation: Oscar Wilde and Fin-de-Siècle Viennese Artistic Networks." Coste, Bénédicte, Catherine Delyfer, and Christine Reynier, eds. Reconnecting Aestheticism and Modernism: Continuities, Revisions, Speculations. London: Routledge, 2016. 67-79.
Radak, Tamara. "Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: Metamorphosis: The III International Flann O'Brien Society Conference (16-19 September 2015, Prague)." The Parish Review 3.2 (Winter 2016).
Fuchs, Dieter. "The Script of the Body and the Soul in The Country-Wife and Tristram Shandy: The 'Cognitive Turn' from Restoration Drama to Sentimental Fiction." Huber, Werner, Elke Mettinger, and Eva Zettelmann, eds. Dramatic Minds - Performance, Cognition, and the Representation of Interiority. Austrian Studies in English 105. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2015. 149-171.
Fuchs, Dieter. "The Reception of Synge's and O'Casey's Plays in Vienna from 1914-1969." Weiss, Rudolf, Ludwig Schnauder, and Dieter Fuchs, eds. Anglo-German Theatrical Exchange. Amsterdam: Rodopi/Brill, 2015. 87-128.
Fuchs, Dieter. "'He puts Bohemia on the seacoast and makes Ulysses quote Aristotle': Shakespearean Gaps and the Early Modern Method of Analogy and Correspondence in James Joyce's Ulysses." Pelaschiar, Laura, ed. Joyce/Shakespeare. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2015. 21-37.
Fuchs, Dieter. "The Reception of Synge's and O'Casey's Plays in Vienna: From the Fall of the Habsburg Empire to the Summer of '69." Litteraria Pragensia 25.50 (2015): 47-59.
Fuchs, Dieter, Werner Huber, and Sandra Mayer. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2014." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 45.2 (2015): 1-66.
Huber, Werner, and Seán Crosson, eds. Towards 2016: 1916 and Irish Literature, Culture & Society. Irish Studies in Europe 6. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015.
Huber, Werner, and Scott Brewster, eds. Ireland: Arrivals and Departures. Irish Studies in Europe 5. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Felix Beran's 'Des Weibes Klage' / 'Lament for the Yeomen': James Joyce as a Translator and Rewriter of a Viennese Anti-War Poem." Klepuszewski, Wojciech, ed. Recalling War: Representations of the Two World Wars in British Literature and Culture. Koszalin: Politechnika Koszalinska UP, 2014. 19-34.
Huber, Werner, Paul Fagan, and Ruben Borg, eds. Flann O'Brien: Contesting Legacies. Cork: Cork University Press, 2014.
Huber, Werner, Paul Fagan, and Ruben Borg. "Editors' Introduction." Huber, Werner, Paul Fagan, and Ruben Borg, eds., Flann O'Brien: Contesting Legacies. Cork: Cork University Press, 2014. 1-14.
Huber, Werner, Dieter Fuchs, and Sandra Mayer. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2013." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 44.2 (2014): 1-71.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Homeric Intertextuality: Odysseus and the Cyclops in Gulliver's Travels." Swift Studies 28 (2013): 145-147.
Huber, Werner. "The Brothers McDonagh, Filmmakers." Röder, Karin, and Ilse Wischer, eds. Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013. 71-80.
Huber, Werner, and Sandra Mayer. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2012." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 43.2 (2013): 1-65.
Mayer, Sandra. Oscar Wilde as an All-Time Favourite of Viennese Stages: Pleasing and Teasing the Audiences throughout the Twentieth Century. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013.
Mayer, Sandra. "Visions of Salome, Visions of Wilde: Critical Readings of Oscar Wilde's Salome in Early-Twentieth-Century Vienna." Rowden, Clair, ed. Performing Salome, Revealing Stories. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013. 49-69.
Fuchs, Dieter. "The Earl of Surrey's Geraldine-Sonnet Contextualized: Cultural (Mis-)Representations of Ireland in the Early Modern, the Enlightened and the Contemporary Period." Fielitz, Sonja, and Uwe Meyer, eds. Shakespeare. Satire. Academia: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Weiss. Anglistische Forschungen 424. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 167-185.
Fuchs, Dieter. "'Lolo Lolo liebermann [...] Lala Lala, Leapermann': The Viennese 'Lieber Augustin'-Song as an Austro-Hungarian Counterpart of Finnegans Wake." Mayer, Sandra, Julia Novak, and Margarete Rubik, eds. Ireland in Drama, Film, and Popular Culture: Festschrift for Werner Huber. Trier: WVT, 2012. 149-156.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Introduction." James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, ed. Hans Walter Gabler. With Introductions by Dieter Fuchs & Joseph O'Connor. Vintage Classics. London: Random House UK, 2012. xv-xxiv.
Huber, Werner, Sandra Mayer, and Julia Novak, eds. Ireland in/and Europe: Cross-Currents and Exchanges. Irish Studies in Europe 4. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012.
Huber, Werner, Sandra Mayer, and Julia Novak. "Introduction." Huber, Werner, Sandra Mayer, and Julia Novak, eds. Ireland in/and Europe: Cross-Currents and Exchanges. Irish Studies in Europe 4. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012. 11-17.
Huber, Werner. "'What's the news from Kilcrobally?': Notes on the Reception of Contemporary Irish Theatre in German-Speaking Countries." Grene, Nicholas, and Patrick Lonergan, eds. Irish Drama: Local and Global Perspectives. Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2012. 81-92.
Huber, Werner, and Sandra Mayer. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2011." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 42.2 (2012): 366-433.
Mayer, Sandra, Julia Novak, and Margarete Rubik, eds. Ireland in Drama, Film, and Popular Culture: Festschrift for Werner Huber. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012.
Mayer, Sandra, Julia Novak, and Margarete Rubik. "Introduction." Mayer, Sandra, Julia Novak, and Margarete Rubik, eds. Ireland in Drama, Film, and Popular Culture: Festschrift for Werner Huber. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012. 9-14.
Mayer, Sandra, and Julia Novak. "'You have to have a grá to do it': An Interview with Irish Storytellers Clare Murphy, Niall de Búrca, and Joe Brennan." Mayer, Sandra, Julia Novak, and Margarete Rubik, eds. Ireland in Drama, Film, and Popular Culture: Festschrift for Werner Huber. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012. 183-192.
Mayer, Sandra. "(Re)Politicised and (Over)Sexualised: Wild(e) Treatments on Twenty-First-Century Viennese Stages." FOCUS: Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies. Issue on Interfaces between Irish and European Theatre (2012): 49-62.
Radak, Tamara. "'Reading newspaper, eating meals, pleasure, etcetera': The 2013 Zurich James Joyce Foundation Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 4-10 August, 2013." James Joyce Quarterly 49.3-4 (Spring/Summer 2012): 434-439.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Socratic Archetypes of Metropolitan Discourse in James Joyce's Ulysses." Schabert, Tilo, and Matthias Riedl, eds. Die Stadt: Achse und Zentrum der Welt - The City: Axis and Centre of the World. Eranos 16. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011. 61-76.
Fuchs, Dieter. "'Poor Penelope. Penelope Rich': Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophil and Stella as a Source for the Rewriting of the Odysseus-Archetype in James Joyce's Ulysses." James Joyce Quarterly 48.2 (2011): 350-356.
Huber, Werner, María Losada Friend, José María Tejedor Cabrera, and José Manuel Estévez-Saá, eds. Dreaming the Future: New Horizons / Old Barriers in 21st-Century Ireland. Irish Studies in Europe 3. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2011.
Huber, Werner, María Losada Friend, José María Tejedor Cabrera, and José Manuel Estévez-Saá. "Introduction." Huber, Werner, María Losada Friend, José María Tejedor Cabrera, and José Manuel Estévez-Saá, eds. Dreaming the Future: New Horizons / Old Barriers in 21st-Century Ireland. Irish Studies in Europe 3. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2011. 9-12.
Huber, Werner, and Seán Crosson, eds. Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a National Cinema. Austrian Studies in English 102. Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller, 2011.
Huber, Werner, and Seán Crosson. "Contemporary Irish Film: An Introduction." Huber, Werner, and Seán Crosson, eds. Contemporary Irish Film: New Perspectives on a National Cinema. Austrian Studies in English 102. Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller, 2011. 1-12.
Huber, Werner. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2010." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 41.2 (2011): 196-263.
Fuchs, Dieter. "'Judgements of Paris and Falling Troy': The French Metropolis as a Site of Cultural Archaeology in James Joyce's Ulysses and F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'Babylon Revisited'." Rubik, Margarete, and Elke Mettinger-Schartmann, eds. Rive Gauche - Paris as a Site of Avant-Garde and Cultural Exchange in the 1920s. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010. 21-39.
Fuchs, Dieter. "'Szombathely, Vienna, Budapest': Epic Geography and the Austro-Hungarian Dimension of James Joyce's Ulysses." Joyce Studies Annual 2010: 203-220.
Huber, Werner, and Britta Olinder. "Summary of Place and Memory in the New Ireland, ed. Werner Huber and Britta Olinder (2009)." English and American Studies in German: Summaries of Theses and Monographs (2010): 102-104.
Huber, Werner. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2009." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 40.2 (2010): 148-212.
Mayer, Sandra. "The Critic as Agent: Literarische Vermittlungs- und Kanonisierungsprozesse am Beispiel von Oscar Wildes Komödien auf den Wiener Bühnen des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts." Mengel, Ewald, Ludwig Schnauder, and Rudolf Weiss, eds. Weltbühne Wien / World Stage Vienna. vol. 2: Die Rezeption anglophoner Dramen auf den Wiener Bühnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2010. 77-101.
Mayer, Sandra. "When Critics Disagree, the Artist Survives: Oscar Wilde, An All-Time Favourite of the Viennese Stage in the Twentieth Century." Evangelista, Stefano, ed. The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe. London: Continuum, 2010. 203-216. (reissued in paperback, May 2015)
Fuchs, Dieter. "Wilde, Wagner and the Aestheticist Debate of Representation: 'What's in a name?': The Importance of Being Earnest, or Lohengrin." Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 20.2 (2009): 131-143.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Joyce, Lucian, and Menippus: An Undiscovered Rewriting of the Ulysses-Archetype." James Joyce Quarterly 47.1 (2009): 140-146.
Fuchs, Dieter. "James Joyce." Entry in Schmeling, Manfred, Monika Schmitz-Emans, and Uwe Lindemann, eds. Lexikon der Poetiken. Berlin & New York: de Gruyter, 2009.
Huber, Werner, and Britta Olinder, eds. Place and Memory in the New Ireland. Irish Studies in Europe 2. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009.
Huber, Werner. "Celtic Tiger Cinema: Irish Dramatists and/as Filmmakers." Le Corff, I., and E. Epinoux, eds. Cinemas of Ireland. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 192-204.
Huber, Werner. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2008." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 39.2 (2009): 385-466.
Mayer, Sandra. "When Critics Disagree: Sensationalism and Myth-Making in the Reception of Oscar Wilde in Fin-de-siècle Vienna." The Wildean 35 (2009): 62-73.
Radak, Tamara. "The Joys(e) of Trieste: The 13th Annual Trieste Joyce School." James Joyce Literary Supplement 23.ii (Fall 2009): 15.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Diogenes the Cynic, Alexander the Great, and Menippean Satire in Gulliver's Travels." Antike & Abendland 54 (2008): 65-76.
Huber, Werner. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2007." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 38.2 (2008): 370-432.
Huber, Werner, Michael Böss, Catherine Maignant, and Hedwig Schwall, eds. Ireland: Representation and Responsibility. Irish Studies in Europe 1. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2007.
Huber, Werner, Michael Böss, Catherine Maignant, and Hedwig Schwall. "Introduction." Huber, Werner, Michael Böss, Catherine Maignant, and Hedwig Schwall, eds. Ireland: Representation and Responsibility. Irish Studies in Europe 1. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2007. 9-12.
Huber, Werner. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2006." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 37.2 (2007): 517-559.
Mayer, Sandra, and Barbara Pfeifer. "The Reception of Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw in the Light of Early Twentieth-Century Austrian Censorship." Platform 2.2 (2007): 59-75.
Fuchs, Dieter. Joyce and Menippos: 'A Portrait of the Artist as an Old Dog'. ZAA Monograph Series 2. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2006.
Fuchs, Dieter. "Rereading James Joyce's The Sisters: A Bakhtinian Approach." Anglia 124.3 (2006): 474-483.
Fuchs, Dieter [with Daniel Anderson, Iris Bruderer-Oswald, Dennis Foster, Marianna Gula & Luke Thurston]. "Joycean Unions: Impressions of the 20th International James Joyce Symposium, Budapest and Szombathely, June 11-17, 2006." James Joyce Broadsheet 75 (October 2006): 3.
Huber, Werner. "The Early Plays: Martin McDonagh, Shooting Star and Hard Man from South London." Chambers, Lilian, and Eamonn Jordan, eds. The Theatre of Martin McDonagh: A World of Savage Stories. Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2006. 13-26.
Huber, Werner. "'Personalised lumps of matter': Beckett, Joyce, and Auto/Biography." Houswitschka, Christoph, Gabriele Knappe, and Anja Müller, eds. Anglistentag 2005 Bamberg: Proceedings. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2006. 401-409.
Huber, Werner. "IASIL Bibliography Bulletin for 2004." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 35.2 (2006): 397-436.
Mayer, Sandra. "'A Complex Multiform Creature': Ambiguity and Limitation Foreshadowed in the Early Critical Reception of Oscar Wilde." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 31.2 (2006): 137-155.