
William Keohane (Photo credit and © Molly Ahern)

Upcoming Events

Boxing Day: Performance and Talk with William Keohane

You are warmly invited to an upcoming Irish Itinerary event on April 2nd.  Irish writer William Keohane will be performing an abridged version of his work Boxing Day. In this series of box-shaped poems, Keohane explores themes of transition, confinement, and time. He will also read poems published in Queering the Green, an anthology of post-2000 queer Irish poetry. After his performances, Keohane will talk about trans writing and form, with a subsequent opportunity for a Q&A.

Keohane is a writer from Limerick, Ireland. His essays and poetry have been published in The Stinging Fly, The Dublin Review, British GQ Magazine, and Poetry Ireland Review among others. In 2021, he received a Literature Bursary Award from the Arts Council of Ireland and was one of ten poets selected for the Poetry Ireland Introductions series. Boxing Day toured internationally in 2023 and was nominated for an award at the Dublin Fringe Festival. William holds an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Limerick and is currently a PhD candidate at the Seamus Heaney Centre in Queen’s University Belfast.

The event will take place on April 2nd at 7pm, in Seminar Room 5 (first floor) at the Department of English and American Studies at the Campus of the University of Vienna (Hof 8.3, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1090 Vienna). Light refreshments will be provided.

The event is organised in conjunction with the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies and the Vienna Centre for Irish Studies and supported by the Poetry Off the Page project.

This is a free event and open to the public.

To register, please send an email to Drop-ins also welcome!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Latest publications:

Irish Modernisms: Gaps, Conjectures, Possibilities

ed. by Paul Fagan, John Greaney, Tamara Radak

was published with Bloomsbury recently:


Stage Irish: Performance, Identity, Cultural Circulation (ISE10)

ed. by Paul Fagan, Dieter Fuchs, Tamara Radak

You can order the book or ask your library to order a copy here:

Past Events


Book Launch: Queering W.B. Yeats and Gabriele D'Annunzio (11 June 2024)

with Dr. Zsuszanna Balázs (Òmbuda University Budapest): university calendar

Ireland Week 2024 Open Seminar Session (13 March 2024)

In cooperation with Tourism Ireland.
Topic: "Cultural (mis)representations of Ireland in Saint Patrick's Day Parades"

Irish Semester at the English Department Kickoff event (3 November 2022)

Keynote lecture by Dr. Seán Crosson (NUI Galway) on "'A New Ireland Rises' as 'Hope and history rhyme': The GAA's centenary commemorations of 1916 and Bloody Sunday 1920”

Guest lecture by Irish President Michael D. Higgins (7 April 2022)

"The Future of Europe - the role of Culture"

Welcome by: VR Jean-Robert Tyran, Vice Dean Michael Zach, Head of Department Sylvia Mieszkowski, Dieter Fuchs (Centre for Irish Studies)


The Vienna Irish Studies & Cultural Theory Summer School: 

10-14 July 2023 — "Irish Icons and Iconoclasts" (Final programme)

1-5 July 2019 — "Bull Island: The Nonhuman Turn in Irish Studies" (Final programme; fb)

2-6 July 2018 — "Stage Irish" (Final programme; fb)

10-14 July 2017 — "The Irish Carnivalesque" (Final programme)



12th EFACIS Conference: "Stage Irish" (in memory of Professor Werner Huber) (28-31 Aug. 2019)

The University of Ljubljana, in partnership with EFACIS and The Vienna Centre for Irish Studies

"Acting Out: The IV International Flann O'Brien Conference" (17-21 July 2017)

Paul Fagan at Paris Lodron University, Salzburg

"Irish Modernisms: Gaps, Conjectures, Possibilities" (29 Sept.-1 Oct. 2016)

Organisers: Tamara Radak, John Greaney, Paul Fagan
Keynotes: Patricia Coughlan, Lucy Collins - "An Evening of Poetry" with Neil McCarthy and Simon Haworth

"100 Myles: The International Flann O'Brien Centenary Conference" (24-27 July 2011)

Keynotes: Anthony Cronin, Frank McNally, Keith Hopper, Kurt Palm, Harry Rowohlt.

7th EFACIS Conference: "Ireland in/and Europe: Cross-Currents and Cultural Exchanges" (3-6 Sept. 2009)

Keynote by John FitzGerald - Reading by Seamus Heaney - Q&A with filmmakers Lenny Abrahamson and Mark O'Halloran.

Distinguished Lecture Series on Irish Studies:

"Easter, 1916: Representing the Rising" (summer term 2016)

Lectures by: Éamonn Ó Ciardha, John McCourt, Seán Crosson, Keith Hopper, Paul Fagan, Dieter Fuchs, Lance Pettitt, Finbarr McLoughlin.

"(Post-)Celtic Tiger Ireland: Cultural and Media Studies Perspectives" (summer term 2013)

Lectures by: Niamh Sharkey (Irish Children's Literature Laureate / Laureate na nÓg), Mags Walsh (Childrens' Books Ireland), Medbh McGuckian, Kevin Bean, Neasa Hardiman, Ciaran Benson, Luke Gibbons, Anne Fogarty, Díóg O'Connell.

"Irish Cultural Studies: Trends and Case Studies" (winter term 2012/13)

Lectures by: Raymond Hickey, Stefanie Lehner,  Mark Schreiber, Gerry Smyth, Katharina Rennhak, Seán Crosson, Claire Connolly, Dominic Bryan.

Memorial Ceremony for Professor Huber (29 June 2016)

Addresses by: Vice-Rector Heinz Faßmann, Dean Matthias Meyer, HoD Evelien Keizer
Speeches by: Margarete Rubik; Ondřej Pilný (Director of the Prague Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University)


"Strangers to Citizens: The Irish in Europe, 1600-1800 / Auswanderer werden Mitbürger: Die Iren in Europa 1600-1800"
(24 Jan.-13 Feb. 2013, Fachbereichsbibliothek Anglistik und Amerikanistik)


Performances/Readings/Book Presentations/Screenings/Workshops/Pub Quiz:

"Online Roundtable Discussion to Launch the new Edited Collection of Stage Irish: Performance, Identity, Cultural Circulation, ed. Paul Fagan, Dieter Fuchs, Tamara Radak (hosted by EFACIS)" (poster; 30 September 2021)

"Irish Music Night: Zoë Conway and John McIntyre" (24 October 2019)

"Bloomsday Pub Quiz" (14 June 2019)

"St. Patrick's Day Festivities" (Aula am Campus) (16 March 2019)

"Reading with Jan Carson" (The Irish Itinerary 2018) (3 December 2018)

"The Saints of Sceilg Michael: A Reading with Biddy Jenkinson" (The Irish Itinerary 2018) (22 November 2018)

"Irish Studies Book Launch Event" with a lecture by Eglantina Remport (5 July 2018)

"Irish Studies Night: Book Launches & Film Screenings in Honour of Werner Huber" with presentations by Ondrej Pilný and Paul Fagan (9 March 2018)

"Irish Studies Night", hosted by the English and American Studies Library (FBAA): Lectures by Anne Fogarty and Dieter Fuchs (11 December 2017) (

Schottenfest 2017: Three Short Papers by Paul Fagan, Sarah Ritt & Dieter Fuchs + Film Screening Bloom  (1 December 2017)

Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill, reading (18 September 2017)

"St. Patrick's Day Festival Wien" (18 March 2017)

Kevin Barry, reading (24 November 2016)

"Tale of the Gael: An Evening of Irish Music, Storytelling and Song" (14 June 2016)

Neil McCarthy, poetry reading (17 March 2016)

Julian Gough, "Short-Story Writing for the Twenty-First Century" (workshop) (14-15 November 2015)

Julian Gough, reading + Q&A (12 November 2016)

Niamh Parsons & Graham Dunne, "Irish Traditional Music" (concert) (21 October 2015)

Tale of the Gael, "The Poet and the Harper" (concert) (12 June 2015)

Glenn Patterson, "Here's Me Here, Further Reflections of a Lapsed Protestant" (reading) (12 December 2014)

Mary McPartlan, Aidan Brennan & Pádraic Keane, "Distinguished Irish Artists - Traditional Music and Song" (concert) (19 November 2014)

Sinead Murphy & Darina Gallagher, "Songs of Joyce" (Bloomsday Event) (17-18 June 2013)

Medbh McGuckian, "Improving your Poetry: Free Poetry Workshop" (The Irish Itinerary) (12 April 2013)

Medbh McGuckian, poetry reading (The Irish Itinerary) (11 April 2013)

Julian Gough, public reading (13 March 2013)

Gerry Smyth, "One-Man Show: Flann O'Brien, The Brother" (16 June 2011)

Niall de Búrca, "Storyteller from Ireland" (7 June 2011)

Niall de Búrca/Neil McCarthy, "Ireland in Stories and Poems" (15 June 2010)

Reading Groups:

The Vienna Finnegans Wake Reading Group