
Univ.Prof. Dr. Julia Hüttner, MSc.

Julia Hüttner is Professor of English Language Education (“Didaktik der englischen Sprache”) having joined the Department of English Studies and the Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung in this position in February 2018. Previously, she was Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics at the University of Southampton, UK. Her research into foreign language learning and teaching currently addresses two major areas: Firstly, CLIL (Content-and-Language-Integrated-Learning) and EMI (English-Medium-Instruction), with a research focus on classroom interactions. Secondly, teacher development (particularly in ESP), teacher education and teacher beliefs. Past research, including her PhD, focused on genre use in EAP and ESP and these issues are still of interest.


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Mag.a Tatjana Bacovsky-Novak, BA

Tatjana Bacovsky-Novak holds a bachelor’s degree in English and American studies and a teaching degree in English and Psychology/Philosophy from the University of Vienna. During her studies, she spent a semester at Bangor University, Wales, on an Erasmus+ exchange. After graduating in January 2020, Tatjana taught English at a school in Vienna, where she developed an interest in remote teaching and blended learning. She joined the English department in September 2020 as a prae doc assistant and is currently working on a doctoral project on CLIL at Austrian technical colleges (HTL). Her other research interests include bilingual education, language teaching and learning, and ESP.

Univ.-Prof. Mag.a Dr. Christiane Dalton-Puffer

After studying English, History and Spanish and teaching German in the UK, Christiane turned to research in linguistics, examining complex words in Middle English. While her fascination with morphology continues, she now focuses on her other main interest applied linguistics and its links to language teacher education.

Her current research is on classroom discourse especially in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and she has been part of the leading of the interdisciplinary research platform "Theory and Practice of Subject Didactics" at the University of Vienna since 2009.


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Mag.a Dr. Helen Heaney, B.A. (Hons)

Helen studied French and German at the University of Durham, Great Britain and obtained her teaching degree in English and French at the University of Klagenfurt. Her PhD was on developing a tertiary-level English reading comprehension test. She spent 12 years team-teaching in a CLIL programme at a grammar school in Klagenfurt (focusing on music and the natural sciences) and taught ESP in many different fields, from medical English to Tourism. From 1998 to 2011, Helen worked in the English Department at the University of Klagenfurt, where she was involved in the language programme, linguistics and teacher training. At present she teaches specialized classes in English language pedagogy alongside other courses in the BA and BEd programmes as well as CLIL workshops with practising teachers. Her special interests are language testing and assessment, innovative approaches to language teaching and learning and reading comprehension.

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Julia Pittenauer, BEd MEd

Julia holds a Master’s of Education in English and Italian from University of Vienna. During her studies, she spent one semester in Venice and Bologna, Italy, on an ERASMUS+ exchange where she developed an interest in professionalism in ELT and the importance of teacher knowledge for classroom practices. She transformed two class projects into CELT Matters articles which focus on developing critical media literacy in pre-service teachers and investigating teachers’ and students’ views of homework in ELT. After working at a Viennese upper secondary school, she decided to return to university to look into the development of EFL teacher knowledge in different stages of a teaching career for her PhD project.

Mag. Dr. Karin Richter

Karin holds a teaching degree in English and German and a PhD in educational linguistics from the University of Vienna. Her PhD project investigated the effects of English-medium instruction on advanced university students' pronunciation skills. She has taught a wide range of different ESP and EAP courses at various educational institutions, both at secondary and tertiary level. At present, she teaches language competence and EFL didactics courses in the BA/BEd as well as the MEd programme. Her current research includes English pronunciation learning and teaching in Austria as well as feedback literacy in teacher education.

Mag.a Dr. Angelika Rieder-Bünemann

Angelika holds a teaching degree in English and Mathematics from the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology, and a PhD in applied linguistics from the University of Tübingen, specializing in incidental vocabulary acquisition. Having taught English in a range of settings, including secondary and tertiary levels, she now works as a senior lecturer for English language pedagogy at the English Department. Her research interests include second language vocabulary acquisition, New Media in language education, CLIL (Content-and-Language-Integrated-Learning) and EAP/ESP.

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Mag. Alexandra Schurz, PhD

Alexandra Schurz joined the department as a postdoctoral researcher. Her research interests revolve around the topics of implicit and explicit (grammar) knowledge, extramural English, specific learner differences, and cross-country comparisons of English teaching practices. During her PhD, Alexandra explored teenage learners' implicit and explicit knowledge and the impact of instruction and extramural English in Austria and in Sweden. In her postdoc, she will investigate opportunities and challenges of new media technologies for learners with specific differences. Currently, she is also involved in a project on the use of audiovisual input in English instruction in French elementary schools. Despite Alexandra's focus on research, she has a pedagogic background; she studied English and French in the teaching program at the University of Vienna and has experience teaching these subjects in Austrian secondary schools and a Swedish comprehensive school.

Mag.a Daniela Weitensfelder, MA

After finishing her degrees in English and French at the universities of Graz, Orléans (teaching assistant) and SUNY Buffalo, NY (Fulbright scholar), Daniela Weitensfelder settled in Vienna, where she teaches business English and French, and preparation courses for Cambridge certificates at BHAK Wien11. She is active in several working groups (teacher training, implementation of new curricula, Bifie-certified trainer for the new Austrian SRDP etc.) for the Vienna Board of Education, the bm:ukk, PH + KPH Wien. She has been a team member in several projects at the "Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum AT the CELT, her special interests are in ESP methodology and foreign language teacher education.