Research Projects

In the past years, several new research project groups have been set up at the department, most of them funded or co-funded by the Austrian Science Funds (FWF), but also by other Austrian and EU institutions. Research projects give gifted Ph.D. and post doctoral scholars the opportunity to write their theses while being in research employment, and allow the professorial staff of the department to pursue a new avenue of scholarship.

Current Research Projects


Research Literacy of Language Teachers (ReaLiTea)

ERASMUS + (2024 - 2027) 

Principal researcher: Univ.-Prof. Carolyn Blume, TU Dortmund (Germany)
Austrian partner: Univ.-Prof. Julia Hüttner and Julia Pittenauer, MEd

Project info in German here

British Literature and Culture

Gender and Mourning in 18C British Literature and Culture

FWF ESPRIT | PI: Dr. Sarah Frühwirth | 2024-2028


James Joyce, Gertrude Stein, and the modernist coterie.

PR: DDr. Georgina Nugent, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow

Former Research Projects

Art and Action

Intersections of Literary Celebrity and Politics

FWF | Principal Researcher: Dr. Sandra Mayer

Portrait of the Woman Artist

Gender and Genre in Biofiction

FWF | Principal Researcher: Dr. Julia Lajta-Novak

Communicating in discipline-specific English

on CLIL-students’ language skills at an Austrian Higher Secondary School for Tourism and Business Studies (HBLA)

Principal researcher: Prof. Dr. Julia Hüttner (University of Southampton)

Austrian Partner: Prof. Dr. Ute Smit (University of Vienna)

Language and Content Integration

towards a conceptual framework

Funded by the Academy of Finland, located at University of Jyväskylä

International Partners: Prof. Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Prof. Ute Smit, Angela Stachelberger

Looking Eastward

US-Identity, Western Values, and Russian Vulnerable Bodies

FWF | Principal Researcher: Dr. Maria Katharina Wiedlack

Cognitive Critical and Cultural Theory

Omani Literature and the Study of Intercultural Communication

FWF | Principal Researcher: Dr. Christa Knellwolf-King


Language Dynamics and Management of Diversity

EU | Principal Researcher: Prof. Barbara Seidlhofer

World Stage Vienna

Weltbühne Wien

FWF | Principal Researcher: Prof. Ewald Mengel

Transatlantic Exchanges

Between the American South and Europe

FWF | Principal Researcher: Prof. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz


Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English

FWF | Principal Researcher: Prof. Barbara Seidlhofer


Content and Language Integrated Learning

Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung | Principal Researcher: Prof. Christiane Dalton-Puffer

Canadian Literature

Transatlantic, Transcontinental, Transcultural

FWF | Principal Researcher: Prof. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz


Transatlantic Cowgirl Mobilities

Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow | Principal Researcher: Dr. Stefanie Schäfer